Mohammad Ali Soleymani
Graphic Designer, Digital Artist, Painter, Illustrator / Isfahan

Mohammad Ali Soleymani
Graphic Designer, Digital Artist, Painter, Illustrator
Born in 1995, Isfahan
Studied Graphic Design and Photography at Kiamatin Art College and, Visual Communication at Soroush University
He got his BA in Illustration at Ragheb Isfahani University and is a MA Illustration student at Sepehr University
He has participated in many art festivals and international exhibitions in Illustration and Poster Design, and designed many Posters for Theater
-LAG, Poland festival (Finalist)
-URUGUARY CARTEL poster design festival,
Sought America (awarded)
-Taiwan Poster Festival: Virus Is Over
-China Poster Festival: Unity Is Strengh
-China Poster Festival: Zero Discrimination Day 2020
-Greek Poster Festival: Graphic Stories
-Italy Poster Festival: Grande Festivsl
-Turkey Poster Festival: About Turkey
-Sweisterland Poster Festival: Help. I'm Burning
-Iran/Tabriz Poster Festival: C-Idea Award, Nezareh Festival. 25th Tabriz National Festival of Fine Art