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A Nomadic Art Gallery
Based in Winona/Minnesota
A member of the White Page Gallery Network

A new culture for Art curatorial practices
Based on the values such as sharing, caring, openness, and inclusivity.
A Nomadic Art Gallery
Based in Minnesota
Since 2019
A member of the
White Page Gallery Network
Sudden Gallery
White Page Gallery is focused on the social value of
artistic curation as its presupposition:
the WPG/s network, is based on values such as
solidarity, hospitality, inclusion, altruism
and mutual support.
The WPG/s online are hosted by Zsolt Mesterhazy,
Bjørn Magnhildøen, Fuori Visioni — Festival Arte Contemporanea,
Lila Moore, Kamilia Kard, Konstantina Mavridou,
Anna Utopia Giordano, Benjamin Gaulon & Dasha Ilina
with NØ School Paris, Grace Kim Howard,
Leandro Summo, Vuk Cosic, Sesma Ángel,
Martha Hipley, Florian Kuhlmann, Karina Pálosi,, Andrea Roccioletti, Patrick Lichty, Negin Ehtesabian,
Edoardo Gaudieri, Tiz Creel, Paul Hertz, Guido Segni,
Systaime, Bob Georgeson, Inanimanti,
Eric Souther, Domenico Barra.
Founded by Patrick Lichty + Negin Ehtesabian

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